Staffordshire County Council - Occupational Health Physician 25th May 2022 Madam/Sir, I have made contact with my employers, Staffordshire County Council, including a few brief words with the new Council Leader, Alan White; Cllr White has responded, quite promptly, but with the suggestion, once again, that I attend an 'independent assessment' regarding my suitability for the workplace. 1) I have my GP's certificate of fitness for work, so there is a risk that I attend the assessment as sane and emerge as insane, but with no prospect of future salary and no compensation for the Occupational Health Physician's original misconduct! 2) As a reminder Dr P Turner declared the ambition that I "never work again" - full account given below. 3) My position remains as ever - if I attend an assessment, particularly after the words of P Turner making the referral, there's a possibility of being sectioned and put-away; the shrink will be keen for a good laugh, be paid for his jolly and increase the chances of a repeat request for his (or her) services. Very nice! 4) Apparently, "An Occupational Health Physician is a doctor and, as such, his first duty is to his patient not to whoever is paying his bill or salary; if it could be shown that he has acted otherwise, then this would be grounds for a complaint to the GMC." 5) Sadly, the position of Staffordshire CC, given a new Leader, has shifted from one of agreement that P Turner's actions represent gross misconduct - Cllr White now tells me that, "I have no reason to question the manner in which you have been treated." Can anything be done?  DAustin PS: On the way to Stafford last Thursday (19th) I found several dogs' drinks-bowls, with bases and surrounds, in the Station; these represent clutter and, importantly, promotion of dogs on trains, with yours asking Station staff where the dog might clear its bladder or even its bowels - customers are expected to escort their dogs off the premises, apparently, but where they will still perform in public! Does acceptance of this custom prove that the British are, collectively, quite mad? PPS: At County Buildings I found myself in discussion with four 'public servants' in Reception, all of which were cynophiles and all of which would not support my argument that it was not appropriate for my flat-dwelling neighbour to keep a dog where there was no private place for it to be toileted! Similarly, how can Boris Johnson and Betty Windsor be given permission to keep dogs, in public buildings, given that they are toileted, again, on publicly-owned grounds? The latter's servants are even expected, on occasion, to 'clean-up' after the Monarch's pets - inside the Palace! Accepting this practice, and celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, must make the British at least 'questionably inclined' if not completely bonkers, mustn't it? PPPS: I also found, inside the full Council Meeting at 10 am, that the local Pastor was asked to lead prayers - even if the Church of England provides this service 'free of charge', doesn't this represent wastage of time and thus, indirectly, a waste of public monies? I also left a question for the Chief Executive, "What God would 'ave created president Putin?" Indeed, given the chaos that is caused by religion across the globe, might the theist be considered 'rather unhinged'? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worried about public services?   Do read this account:   Called to a meeting by Staffordshire County Council, I made the observation that the occasion was unfairly constituted (lacking an association representative) but that did not bother the personnel officer present (who seems able to indulge in any shenanigan, free of accountability) and did not deter Pat Turner from indulging in the most mean attempt to discredit me. She had already asked if my exercise books were marked (a bloody cheek - I could even boast a homework record for each child!) and now she began to attack my grammar and dress (traditional - consistent with that of the headteacher). Astonishingly, she made reference to the headteacher's imminent retirement (why, I've no idea - I have not acted against the interests of the gentleman and even recommended him through the chair to the governors and 10 Downing Street for an award) and expressed the determination that I "never work again"! Is this conduct not gratuitous?   Any answers or suggestions to:   Thank you.